Chicago Bulls logo

Chicago Bulls logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

While Friday only had one former Tar Heel in action in the NBA Summer League, yesterday there was a foursome of players that came from Chapel Hill taking the court. One of them was forward Deon Thompson (6’9″/250 lbs), who’s Chicago Bulls defeated the Memphis Grizzlies 81 to 67 in the opening game for both squads of the tournament. For the former UNC player it was a pretty good night as he scored 10 points (3 for 5 ~ 0 for 0 ~ 4 for 6) to go with four rebounds, one steal a block shout and a turnover. Thompson was one of four Bulls to score in double digits, as well as being the only one coming off the bench to do so. But, maybe, more impressive is that the forward was the only one not starting to get over 20 minutes of playing time for the Chicago franchise. On the other hand he might have stayed on the floor even longer had he not picked up five fouls.

Bulls Grizzlies Box Score

Bulls Grizzlies Box Score (click to enlarge image)

Overall you can find plenty of positives for Thompson in his first game with the Bulls. But for the young man, who has been playing over seas since he left North Carolina in 2010 it’s not about the positives, it’s about being able to make an NBA roster, and that right now is a long shot. If he is to have a chance, the forward needs to show the coaches he can be an asset on the defensive side of the ball, which means he has to avoid getting into foul trouble like he did in this game. Thompson will have to wait a day now to get back onto the court as the Bulls next game is on Monday, as they take on the Denver Nuggets.


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